Living in community with others goes beyond Sunday morning hugs and hi's.

Crosspoint Women will host its second annual  “In Common - Women’s Event” for learning and growing together on Saturday, July 20, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

This day of workshops is a time where women can better get to know one another while exploring common interests. Deadline to sign up is Sunday, July 14.  Some classes have limited seating and may fill up sooner.

Doing life together outside the church doors requires spending time together in real life relationships. It is this connection that invites opportunities for living out truth and grace in our relationships to become more and more like Jesus. And it begins with having things "In Common."

Everyone will have lunch on their own, allowing additional time to spend together.

Childcare will not be provided for this event.

Schedule &  Workshop Details

Click on sessions to see detailed descriptions of workshops and which ones have limited space. Choose one workshop per session when registering.
Check In and Networking - 9 a.m.
This is where the description goes.
Opening Session - 9:10-9:30 a.m.
“Empowered to Heal”
Allison Laney, NP
Nine out of ten people would get well if they would get back into the basics of living simply.  God has outlined them for us; we have just chosen convenience over His natural remedies.  
Session 1 - 9:45-11:00 a.m.
“Solving the Puzzle One Piece at a Time: Understanding & Supporting Children with Autism”
Abbey Clark, M.A., BCBA LBA, Colorful Minds Clinic Director
In this workshop, we will define autism, identify and discuss the functions of behaviors and best practices for caregivers and parents of children on the Autism Spectrum. Bring questions and concerns and prepare for an enriched and practical conversation.

“Kitchen Medicine”
Allison Laney, NP
Man’s method of treating illness can be complicated, but God’s ways are so simple that anyone can employ them without a medical license.  In this workshop, Allison will show participants how to make homemade medications right in their own kitchens.

“Partnership in Prayer for a Life in Christ”
Carolyn Dale & Lydia Nix
Based on Ephesians 6:18, “Praying at all times with all prayer…” and Matthew 18:20, “…where two or three gather together, the LORD is present”, this workshop will explore many scriptures to help stay in touch with God through partnering in prayer.

“Unleash Your Inner DIY” - FULL
Allison McNair
(Limited to 4 participants - First come, first served registration)
Learn the basics of using power tools and woodworking in this make and take workshop. This is an outdoor workshop, please dress accordingly. Tools and materials provided. 
Session 2 - 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
“Ditching the ‘Diet’: How to Make Changes that Last”
Jennifer Saucier, Lifestyle & Nutrition Coach, Bandit CrossFit
There is so much confusion out there on how to make the progress you are looking to achieve. In this session, you will learn: 
  • What a FAD diet is
  • Realistic rates of progress
  • Simple tips that you can use today

“Good Grief”
Sabrina Lawhon & Eilene Woodward
In this workshop participants will explore how to find comfort and hope after loss through Granger E. Westburg’s book, Good Grief: A Companion for Every Loss.
Books will be provided.

“Helping Others While Taking Care of You”
Kim Barta, Director of Programs, Mental Health Association of South Mississippi
Learn about the signs and symptoms of common mental health challenges along with how to approach someone that may be having a difficult time. We will discuss self care and the importance of taking care of you. The hour will be full of awareness, activities and prizes.

“Crafting Hour”
Mia Daley
Learn to make simple homemade gifts from scrap fabric or yarn.  Materials will be available for making jean/jean pocket purses, facial pads, or small crochet items.  Please bring a sewing machine, crochet hooks and/or worn jeans as supplies may be limited.  These are great gift ideas for filling Samaritan’s Purse shoeboxes at Christmastime.

Lunch - 12:15-2:15 p.m.
Lunch on your own or with new or old friends attending In Common. We encourage you to connect more.
Session 3 - 2:15-3:30 p.m.
“Fitness & Faith”
Christie Bartels, Bandit CrossFit Coach & Madeline Cockrum
Join us for a workout! No matter your skill level, physical ability, or experience, if you have a desire to take better care of your body, this class will equip you. Many people struggle with working out because they do not know where to start or they have the mindset that it is too hard and beyond hope, but we want to show you what is true. This class is not about getting the perfect summer body; it is about being a good steward of our physical health so that we can be a greater impact for the kingdom of God many years down the road. Make sure to wear tennis shoes, workout clothes, and bring a bottle of water.

“I Have a Bible…Now What? Personal Bible Study for Regular Folks”
Lisa Clark
Reading and understanding scripture is essential to knowing God. But how do you do this? The bible can be intimidating, incomprehensible and sometimes just…boring. In this workshop, we will discuss our preconceived notions, unmet expectations and outright struggles in falling in love with God’s WORD, and find practical strategies to dive in right where we are in our faith journey.

“Couponing with a Purpose” - FULL
Becca Barton
In this workshop participants will learn how to take advantage of the great savings available in digital couponing. Save and be a good steward of your hard earned money with these tools and tips. Please bring a smartphone or tablet. This workshop is 100% digital!

“Creating a Budget for Healthy Eating”
Jennifer Saucier, Lifestyle & Nutrition Coach, Bandit Crossfit
We are all experiencing the effects of rising food prices recently! I've got some strategies that have helped me save money while also allowing me to maintain healthy habits. Contrary to the widespread belief that eating healthily is expensive, the reality is that some of the most beneficial foods are not only good for your body but also budget-friendly. In this session, I will teach you: 
  • What healthy eating looks like
  • How to stay within your budget and still eat healthy
  • Tips for avoiding tempting unhealthy snacks
Closing Session - 3:30-4:00 p.m.
Closing remarks
Lydia Nix